
A Reflection on Searching for the True Meaning of Life Seminar

I learned very early that life is creating  beautiful memories with the people that matter to me. And to become important to the people I love, I must always be available when they need me. Indeed, Time is the most prevalent language of love to most people.

When I was young, I always love to talk with older men and women because I treasure their wisdom and life experiences. I clearly remember my Sociology professor said that life is a journey and in this journey we will accumulate experiences - good and bad - that will surely help shape us. I can say that I am blessed with several mentors in life who contributed a lot to what and who I am right now. Guided by other people's wisdom and principles, I believed that I have lived a fruitful and meaningful life. I have lived life to the full. However, the recent seminar made me realized that something is still missing in my life.

All the activities in the seminar have taught me something and gave me new realizations to think about.

The Group Presentation

This activity made me look back at my adolescent life. Reminiscing, I realized that I was an active participant in my life. My parents' way of growing us molded me to become independent and responsible to all my actions. I have no questions, then, about the meaning of my life. There were instances that my parents will suggest what I have to do bu t everything I did was actually not against my will. I was the author of my life. My question now is how can I make my life more meaningful?

The Eulogy Writing

This activity made me think of my value, right  now.It gave me the chance to think and reflect on the impact I have made to other people's lives. Looking back, I remembered what the people I dealt with had to say about me. Most likely what they are saying now, they may say again when it is time for them to write their eulogies for me.

Eulogies mentioned mostly the positive and good things about the person. But during our sharing Tito Nick said that he wants the people to mention also his weaknesses, mistakes and failures and the lessons they learned from those. Indeed, we can also give an impact to someone's life through our mistakes, weaknesses and failures.

The 3 Idiots Movie

In this movie, I admired the guts of Rancho to question the conventional educational system and his will to introduce and implement his ways that worked more effectively. His playful nature made learning fun. His attitude to approach and accept every event with calmness led him to more achievements and success. I can say he was not merely searching for the meaning of life but he's making the lives of other people meaningful and better as well.

The Searching Game

This activity struck me the most. Blindfolded, I didn't know what to do. I just stand still and listened to the clapping of the hands. Indeed, the Lord is also searching for us. In my case, I know I heard the call several times already but I kept on running and doing my own ways of making my life meaningful. But now I know I was not made for that. I need to answer the call and give more meaning and impact to other peoples' lives in a different way. I do not fully know how, yet, but I know the Lord will hold my hands and will show me how until the mission is completed.

We do not search for the meaning of life. We give impact and make other people's lives better and meaningful. Everyone has a life mission that should be for the glory of the Lord. There are missions fit for the saints. There are missions fit for the parents. There are missions fit for those who are practicing their professions. There are missions for those who have experience failures and mistakes in life. I believe there is no degree whose mission is more worthy or not, if at the end of the day one can say that he did all his best and the Lord will say, "you did a job well done."

I remembered my former boss words, "I have good plans for you," and the humble gesture of my former manager to cook lunch for me. I imagined that it is the Lord who is saying "I have good plans for you." I envisioned him cooking something for me. So, how can I say no now? How can I run away from the mission that may fit me and will make my life more meaningful?

Want to attend one of the seminars at Regina Rica? 

The next seminar will be on August 16-18, 2013 at Regina Rica Sampaloc Tanay, Rizal.

TITLE OF SEMINAR:      Contemplative Experience Of Mary(She Kept All Things in Her Heart)

August 16-18, 2013
Contemplative Experience Of Mary
(She Kept All Things in Her Heart)
Regina RICA, Tanay Rizal
- See more at: http://www.reginarica.org/home/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=157&Itemid=63#sthash.BWKegVim.dpuf
Please click here to check other seminar schedule for the year 2013.

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