More than 300 Greenpeace activists, wearing a bright yellow Greenpeace emblazoned
jacket, from 20 different countries are taking an action during the EU Finance Ministers meeting today. "Greenpeace activists are demanding that finance ministers 'Bail out our planet!' and blocking the entrances to the building where ministers are meeting."
One of the activists twittering live from the action said, "EU finance ministers need to bail out the planet before we are willing to let them out of the meeting!"
Thomas Henningsen - climate campaigner for Greenpeace International - said,“Our finance ministers are giving billions of taxpayers’ money to failed banks and their managers. We are here to make sure they put money on the table to tackle climate change. If the planet were a bank they would bail it out.”
Video of the inspiring action today in Brussels. More than 340 activists, from 20 different countries, were arrested and the activists were able to block the exits of the building for more than 2 hours. All of the activists have been released from jail and while some of the activists need to be hospitalized because of police brutality, there we no serious injuries.
The activists have sealed the entrances and are refusing to let the politicians leave until they committed to 'Save the Climate'and 'Bail out the Planet', thus to encourage a good decision from the finance ministers.
The decisions to be made at today's finance meeting will directly influence Europe's position at the UN Climate summit in December 2009.
Police vans carrying police in riot gears have already arrived in the area and arrests are being made.
Vice President Joe Biden, alledgely, is coming in to have lunch with the ministers who are currently trapped inside their own finance meeting by Greenpeace activists.
Please see the first related story here.
Reference and Photo Credits: Greenpeace International
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